Featured Events

September 25: WACC Speaker Series with Helen Zia, Journalist, Activist, and Author of “Last Boat out of Shanghai: The Epic Story of the Chinese who Fled Mao’s Revolution”

As the daughter of Chinese immigrants, Helen Zia will share her insight on the historic migrant and refugee exodus during Mao's chairmanship, as well as the lessons America can learn from the revolution.

September 25: WACC Speaker Series with Helen Zia, Journalist, Activist, and Author of “Last Boat out of Shanghai: The Epic Story of the Chinese who Fled Mao’s Revolution”2024-07-31T01:06:52-04:00

September 21: TMS Volunteering at UNC Charlotte’s International Festival

Join The Magellan Society (the Young Professionals of the World Affairs Council of Charlotte) at the UNC Charlotte International Festival on Saturday, September 21st! Come meet other internationally-minded Charlotteans while exploring the cultural diversity in our city as we volunteer for the Parade of Nations.

September 21: TMS Volunteering at UNC Charlotte’s International Festival2024-07-31T01:06:59-04:00

September 5: WACC Speaker Series with The Honorable Paul Dabbar, Under Secretary for Science, U.S. Department of Energy

Paul Dabbar will share his insight on the current state of energy research and technology, as well as the global impact and legacy of the U.S. energy program.

September 5: WACC Speaker Series with The Honorable Paul Dabbar, Under Secretary for Science, U.S. Department of Energy2024-07-31T01:07:10-04:00

August 6: TMS – Charlotte’s 7th Annual YP Mixer

Join The Magellan Society (YPs of the World Affairs Council of Charlotte) as we network with hundreds of young professionals while learning more about and connecting with 50 local nonprofit organizations and leaders.

August 6: TMS – Charlotte’s 7th Annual YP Mixer2024-07-31T01:07:14-04:00

June 19: WACC Annual Meeting with Dr. Greg Weeks

Join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte for our Annual Meeting as we host Dr. Greg Weeks, Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences at UNC Charlotte. He will share his thoughts on "The Venezuela Crisis & Road Ahead for Latin America."

June 19: WACC Annual Meeting with Dr. Greg Weeks2024-07-31T01:07:17-04:00

May 29: World Citizen Award Dinner Honoring Dr. Derek Raghavan, President, Atrium Health Levine Cancer Institute

Since 1990, the WACC has annually presented the World Citizen Award to prominent citizens (and organizations) who have enhanced our community's standing in the world their accomplishments of international significance and contributions to the city, this region and our international community.

May 29: World Citizen Award Dinner Honoring Dr. Derek Raghavan, President, Atrium Health Levine Cancer Institute2024-07-31T01:07:22-04:00

May 2: WACC Ambassadors Circle Dinner: A Panel with H.E. Dirk Wouters, Caroline Vicini, and other experts

The World Affairs Council of Charlotte will host the Ambassador of Belgium Deputy Head of Delegation of the EU to the US, and experts from The German Marshall Fund and the Center for a New American Security on May 2 as part of the Council's Ambassadors Circle Series. The panelists will discuss the current state and future of the US-European relationship.

May 2: WACC Ambassadors Circle Dinner: A Panel with H.E. Dirk Wouters, Caroline Vicini, and other experts2024-07-31T01:07:23-04:00

April 30: WACC Business Breakfast Series with Dr. John Shin, Senior G10 FX Strategist, Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Research

Uncertainty in the Global Currency markets is rampant. Join John Shin, Senior G10 Strategist with Bank of America Merrill Lynch, as he discusses the outlook for the US Dollar, Interest Rates, and expectations from the Fed. John will also discuss impact & aftermath of Brexit and implications of the US trade disputes with China.

April 30: WACC Business Breakfast Series with Dr. John Shin, Senior G10 FX Strategist, Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Research2024-07-31T01:07:26-04:00

April 4: WACC CEO Series with Tim Sloan, Chief Executive Officer and President (Oct. 2016- March 2019), Wells Fargo & Company

The World Affairs Council of Charlotte will host Tim Sloan, Chief Executive Officer and President of Wells Fargo & Company on April 4 as part of the Council's CEO Series. Tim will share his perspective on the economy, financial services, and leadership.

April 4: WACC CEO Series with Tim Sloan, Chief Executive Officer and President (Oct. 2016- March 2019), Wells Fargo & Company2024-07-31T01:07:35-04:00

March 28: WACC Ambassadors Circle Series with H.E. Audrey Patrice Marks, Ambassador of Jamaica to the U.S.

Ambassador Audrey Marks will discuss the current state of Jamaican-American relations, including developments on foreign policy and trade.

March 28: WACC Ambassadors Circle Series with H.E. Audrey Patrice Marks, Ambassador of Jamaica to the U.S.2024-07-31T01:07:40-04:00
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