Headshot of a white middle aged woman standing in a black dress standing in front of a colorful tapestry.

Step into the world of international affairs and gain invaluable insights at the World Affairs Council of Charlotte’s highly anticipated event on Thursday, December 14, 2023. Join us for a captivating WACC Speaker Series luncheon featuring Dr. Fiona Hill, Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and Former Senior Director for European and Russian Affairs on the National Security Council.

Dr. Fiona Hill’s expertise in U.S. foreign policy, Russia, national security, and ongoing geopolitical challenges from Russia’s invasion into Ukraine makes her an exceptional voice to guide us through the complexities of international affairs. Her unique insights and experiences shed light on the intricate dynamics shaping the global landscape.

During lunch, Dr. Hill will delve into the national security implications for the United States and provide a thought-provoking analysis of her book, “There Is Nothing For You Here: Finding Opportunity in the Twenty-First Century” which highlights the potential consequences of America’s socioeconomic collapse and the threat of an authoritarian swing reminiscent of modern Russia’s trajectory.

Prepare to be engaged by Dr. Hill’s vast knowledge, as she shares her expert analysis and offers a compelling perspective on the challenges and opportunities facing our nation and the world. Her insights will inspire critical thinking and foster a deeper understanding of the geopolitical forces that shape our collective future.

Secure your spot for this enlightening event now, and be part of an engaged community that strives for a more informed and interconnected world.




Program Information: 

Thursday, December 14, 2023
Check-In and Pre-Lunch Networking: 
11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Lunch & Presentation: 
12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Hilton Charlotte Uptown
$75 (WACC Member Rate)
$60 (Non-Member Rate)
$45 (Young Professionals of the World Affairs Council of Charlotte — YPWACC)
$35 (WACC Student Member / WACC Educator Member)

  • Please call 704-687-7762 for credit card payments over the phone.
  • Checks can be mailed to “World Affairs Council of Charlotte, 9201 University City Blvd., CHHS 227, Charlotte, NC 28223.