Featured Events

April 28, 2022: WACC CEO Series with Chuck Harrington, Executive Chairman & CEO of Parsons Corporation (2008-2021)

Please join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte as we host Chuck Harrington, Executive Chairman and former CEO of Parsons (2008-2021) on Thursday, April 28 as part of the Council's WACC CEO Series. He will offer his perspective on the importance of critical cybersecurity policies for governments and companies and the implementation of global cybersecurity measures to combat foreign actors. In addition, he will touch on the role of public-private partnerships to ensure that infrastructure, data, and networks are upgraded to fight these new technological threats from authoritarian governments and non-state entities.

April 28, 2022: WACC CEO Series with Chuck Harrington, Executive Chairman & CEO of Parsons Corporation (2008-2021)2024-07-31T01:01:17-04:00

April 12, 2022: YPWACC International Career Panel & Resume Workshop

Join The Young Professionals of the World Affairs Council of Charlotte, UNC Charlotte’s Office of International Programs, and the UNC Charlotte Career Center for the opportunity to virtually network and hear several professionals discuss the international elements of their careers in higher education, law, business, government, and nonprofits.  Dr. Patrick Madsen, Executive Director of the UNC Charlotte Career Center will also be offering a 30 minute resume workshop, titled "Targeting an International Career" and will speak about how to search and apply for international jobs.

April 12, 2022: YPWACC International Career Panel & Resume Workshop2024-07-31T01:01:22-04:00

April 7, 2022: WACC Global Health Series (Virtual) – Breast Cancer: A Global Disease

Join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte virtually on Thursday, April 7 as we listen to Dr. Antoinette Tan and Dr. Richard White, two leading experts in breast cancer treatment and research from Levine Cancer Institute. They will share their expert insights into prevention, treatment, and breakthrough developments in breast cancer research in the United States and globally.

April 7, 2022: WACC Global Health Series (Virtual) – Breast Cancer: A Global Disease2024-07-31T01:01:25-04:00

April 5, 2022: YPWACC Drink About It: Citizen Diplomacy

On April 5, join YPWACC for the first session of a new program series, Drink About It, at Free Range Brewing in NoDa. The first session, "Citizen Diplomacy," will be a moderated conversation between our panel of experts on the topic.

April 5, 2022: YPWACC Drink About It: Citizen Diplomacy2024-07-31T01:01:28-04:00

March 8, 2022: WACC International Women’s Day — #BreakTheBias Advancing Gender Equality in the Workplace (Virtual)

Join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte and Bank of America for a moderated discussion on women in the workforce as our panelists share their individual perspectives on the successes and challenges they face every day as leaders, decision makers, and contributors. 

March 8, 2022: WACC International Women’s Day — #BreakTheBias Advancing Gender Equality in the Workplace (Virtual)2024-07-31T01:01:33-04:00

March 1, 2022: WACC National Security Series with LTG (R) Ben Hodges, Former Commanding General of U.S. Army Europe and Pershing Chair in Strategic Studies at the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA)

Join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte and The NC Zeitgeist Foundation on Tuesday, March 1, 2022 with LTG (R) Ben Hodges, Former Commanding General of U.S. Army Europe and Pershing Chair in Strategic Studies at the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) as he shares his expert insight into NATO's role in Europe, national security and defense from a European perspective, and America's defense and military role in the world. 

March 1, 2022: WACC National Security Series with LTG (R) Ben Hodges, Former Commanding General of U.S. Army Europe and Pershing Chair in Strategic Studies at the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA)2024-07-31T01:01:35-04:00

February 10: WACC Distinguished Speaker Series with Dr. Jay Bryson, Managing Director and the Chief Economist for Wells Fargo’s Corporate and Investment Bank

Join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte on Thursday, February 10, 2022 with Dr. Jay Bryson, the Managing Director and Chief Economist for Wells Fargo's Corporate and Investment Bank. Dr. Bryson will share his expert insight into the global economic outlook for 2022 referencing domestic and major economies worldwide while addressing challenges stemming from the pandemic.

February 10: WACC Distinguished Speaker Series with Dr. Jay Bryson, Managing Director and the Chief Economist for Wells Fargo’s Corporate and Investment Bank2024-07-31T01:01:37-04:00

January 25, 2022: WACC Ambassadors Circle Series with H.E. Jean-Arthur Régibeau, Ambassador of Belgium to the U.S. (Invite-Only)

Join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte on Tuesday, January 25, 2022 with H.E. Jean-Arthur Régibeau, Ambassador of Belgium to the U.S, who will share insights on the economic relationship and partnership between Belgium and the United States. Invite-Only Event.

January 25, 2022: WACC Ambassadors Circle Series with H.E. Jean-Arthur Régibeau, Ambassador of Belgium to the U.S. (Invite-Only)2024-07-31T01:01:40-04:00

January 19, 2022: WACC Distinguished Speaker Series with Tom Standage, Deputy Editor and Columnist at The Economist “The World Ahead: 2022”

Join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte on Wednesday, January 19 for a presentation by Tom Standage, the Editor of "The World Ahead 2022" (The Economist) as he offers informed predictions, comprehensive analysis from foreign policy and current event experts, summary of the global economic outlook, and critical insight into issues that will be major touch points in the new year.

January 19, 2022: WACC Distinguished Speaker Series with Tom Standage, Deputy Editor and Columnist at The Economist “The World Ahead: 2022”2024-07-31T01:01:42-04:00

December 2, 2021: WorldQuest 2021 – The Virtual Edition 2.0

Teams from all around the greater Charlotte area will participate in this international knowledge competition and answer questions related to current events, history, geography, and other topics of global significance.

December 2, 2021: WorldQuest 2021 – The Virtual Edition 2.02024-08-06T09:35:49-04:00
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