Upcoming Events

Nov. 29: TMS Adventures in Dining: Dominican Cuisine

Join TMS for a fun Dominican-inspired evening over a shared authentic meal served family-style at Punta Cana Grill. Network and mingle with other internationally-minded young professionals while we enjoy and learn about Domincan culture and traditional food.

Nov. 29: TMS Adventures in Dining: Dominican Cuisine2024-07-31T01:08:13-04:00

November 28th: An Evening with Lt. Col. Barry Bridger, Prisoner of “Hanoi Hilton” and United States Air Force Veteran

Join us on November 28th for a WACC Private Dinner with Lt. Col. (Ret.) Barry B. Bridger, a highly decorated American Hero, a six years Vietnam prisoner of war, and resident of the famed Hanoi Hilton. 

November 28th: An Evening with Lt. Col. Barry Bridger, Prisoner of “Hanoi Hilton” and United States Air Force Veteran2024-07-31T01:08:16-04:00

November 28th: WACC Speaker Series Luncheon with Lt. Col. Barry Bridger, Prisoner of “Hanoi Hilton” and United States Air Force Veteran

Join us on November 28th for a WACC Speaker Series Luncheon and Private Dinner with Lt. Col. (Ret.) Barry B. Bridger, a highly decorated American Hero, a six years Vietnam prisoner of war, and resident of the famed Hanoi Hilton. 

November 28th: WACC Speaker Series Luncheon with Lt. Col. Barry Bridger, Prisoner of “Hanoi Hilton” and United States Air Force Veteran2024-07-31T01:08:19-04:00

Nov. 1: WACC CEO Series with Gene Woods, President & CEO, Atrium Health

Join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte on November 1st as we host Gene A. Woods, President and CEO of Atrium Health. With more than 24 years of healthcare leadership, Woods has overseen both for-profit and non-profit hospitals and worked with a diverse array of delivery systems, including rural and urban facilities, academic and community-based facilities, as well as international operations in Mexico and Chile. In 2017 he served as chair of the American Hospital Association.

Nov. 1: WACC CEO Series with Gene Woods, President & CEO, Atrium Health2024-07-31T01:08:25-04:00

Oct. 27: TMS Meet Up at the Charlotte Symphony’s Halloween Spooktacular

Join TMS as we host a group of visiting UNC Charlotte scholars from Saudi Arabia for a cultural outing to the Charlotte Symphony. All are welcome to this family-friendly Halloween special "Spooktacular" concert, followed by a casual lunch nearby.

Oct. 27: TMS Meet Up at the Charlotte Symphony’s Halloween Spooktacular2024-07-31T01:08:28-04:00

Oct 10: WACC CEO Series with Knudt Flor, President & CEO, BMW Manufacturing Co

Join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte on October 10th as we host Knudt Flor, President & CEO of BMW Manufacturing. BMW is currently the 4th most prosperous car manufacturer in the world. The company has also invested millions into manufacturing cars in the U.S., particularly in South Carolina.

Oct 10: WACC CEO Series with Knudt Flor, President & CEO, BMW Manufacturing Co2024-07-31T01:08:31-04:00

October 4: WACC Ambassadors Circle Series with H.E. Kirsti Kauppi, Ambassador of Finland to the U.S.

Join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte as we host H.E. Kirsti Kauppi, the Ambassador of Finland to the United States, who will share her perspective on current global developments and Finland - U.S. relations.

October 4: WACC Ambassadors Circle Series with H.E. Kirsti Kauppi, Ambassador of Finland to the U.S.2024-07-31T01:08:34-04:00

October 3: WACC Private Dinner with H.E. Kirsti Kauppi, Ambassador of Finland to the U.S.

Join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte for an intimate and timely discussion on U.S. - Finland relations, human rights, and international economic development with Ambassador Kirsti Kauppi.

October 3: WACC Private Dinner with H.E. Kirsti Kauppi, Ambassador of Finland to the U.S.2024-07-31T01:08:37-04:00

September 29: TMS Meet Up at UNC Charlotte’s International Festival

Join The Magellan Society (the Young Professionals of the World Affairs Council of Charlotte) at the UNC Charlotte International Festival on Saturday, September 29th. Come meet other internationally-minded Charlotteans while exploring the cultural diversity in our city!

September 29: TMS Meet Up at UNC Charlotte’s International Festival2024-07-31T01:08:41-04:00

September 27: WACC Speaker Series Panel Luncheon, “The Future of Korea”

Join WACC as we host expert panelists for a discussion on Korea's future: Kathleen Stephens, U.S. Ambassador to South Korea (2008-2011) and President, Korean Economics Institute; Lieutenant Commander, Adam Miller, Military Advisor in the Office of Korean Affairs; and Dohwan Kim, Economic Secretary, Embassy of the Republic of Korea.

September 27: WACC Speaker Series Panel Luncheon, “The Future of Korea”2024-07-31T01:08:44-04:00
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