Speaker Series

September 27: WACC Speaker Series Panel Luncheon, “The Future of Korea”

Join WACC as we host expert panelists for a discussion on Korea's future: Kathleen Stephens, U.S. Ambassador to South Korea (2008-2011) and President, Korean Economics Institute; Lieutenant Commander, Adam Miller, Military Advisor in the Office of Korean Affairs; and Dohwan Kim, Economic Secretary, Embassy of the Republic of Korea.

September 27: WACC Speaker Series Panel Luncheon, “The Future of Korea”2024-07-31T01:08:44-04:00

September 20th: WACC Speaker Series Luncheon with Peter Beyer, Coordinator of Transatlantic Cooperation and Member of the German Parliament (MdB)

Join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte, The American Council on Germany, and The N.C. Zeitgeist Foundation on September 20th as we host Peter Beyer, Member of the German Parliament (MdB) and Coordinator of Transatlantic Cooperation. He will share his thoughts on further developing Germany-U.S. economic relations and his outlook on the evolving U.S.-E.U. trade tariffs.

September 20th: WACC Speaker Series Luncheon with Peter Beyer, Coordinator of Transatlantic Cooperation and Member of the German Parliament (MdB)2024-07-31T01:08:50-04:00

September 5: WACC Speaker Series with Ryan Crocker, U.S. Career Ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Kuwait, and Lebanon (1993-2012)

Join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte on September 5th as we host esteemed U.S. diplomat, Ambassador Ryan Crocker. Crocker has served 6-terms as a U.S. Ambassador during some of the most tumultuous times in U.S. history with the Middle East. President Obama called him out of retirement in 2011 to serve as Ambassador to Afghanistan, and President George W. Bush awarded him with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

September 5: WACC Speaker Series with Ryan Crocker, U.S. Career Ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Kuwait, and Lebanon (1993-2012)2024-07-31T01:08:59-04:00

June 13: SOLD OUT – WACC Annual Meeting with Tate Nurkin

Join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte for our Annual Meeting as we host Tate Nurkin, founder of OTH Intelligence Group. He will share his thoughts on "China, Innovation and the Future of US-China Defense Competition."

June 13: SOLD OUT – WACC Annual Meeting with Tate Nurkin2024-07-31T01:09:08-04:00

May 24: WACC National Security Series with Brig Gen. Stephen Cheney, USMC (Ret.), CEO of the American Security Project

Brigadier General Stephen A. Cheney, USMC (Ret.), will join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte for a National Security Series Luncheon and share his expert perspective on U.S. military response around the world as natural disasters and conflicts become exacerbated by climate change.

May 24: WACC National Security Series with Brig Gen. Stephen Cheney, USMC (Ret.), CEO of the American Security Project2024-07-31T01:09:09-04:00

April 17: WACC Speaker Series with Dr. Fernando Reimers, Director of the International Education Policy Program at Harvard University

Dr. Fernando Reimers, Director of the International Education Policy Program at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, will participate in a World Affairs Council of Charlotte Speaker Series Luncheon on April 17th and share his insight on the relationship between education policy, innovation, leadership, and quality improvement to support children and youth.

April 17: WACC Speaker Series with Dr. Fernando Reimers, Director of the International Education Policy Program at Harvard University2024-07-31T01:09:17-04:00

April 12: WACC Voyagers Club with Firoz Peera, International Business Leader and WACC Board Member

Join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte on April 12th for a Voyagers Club "fireside" chat with Firoz Peera. He will discuss the impact of a modernized "Silk Road" on U.S. trade and relations with China.

April 12: WACC Voyagers Club with Firoz Peera, International Business Leader and WACC Board Member2024-07-31T01:09:19-04:00

April 4: WACC Speaker Series with Prof. Dr. Peter Huber, Justice, German Supreme Federal Constitutional Court

German Supreme Court Justice Peter M. Huber will share his perspectives on how two of the world's leading nation states differ and compare in their upholding and enforcement of the rule of law from an international, federal, and local level.

April 4: WACC Speaker Series with Prof. Dr. Peter Huber, Justice, German Supreme Federal Constitutional Court2024-07-31T01:09:27-04:00

March 15: WACC Speaker Series with Nancy Lindborg, President of the United States Institute of Peace

Nancy Lindborg, President of the United States Institute of Peace, has spent most of her career working in fragile and conflict affected regions. Prior to joining USIP, she served as the Assistant Administrator for the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance at USAID, where she led teams in response to the ongoing Syria crisis, the droughts in Sahel and Horn of Africa, the Arab Spring, and other global crises. She will share her perspective on current national security challenges and how the U.S. is working for peace around the world."

March 15: WACC Speaker Series with Nancy Lindborg, President of the United States Institute of Peace2024-07-31T01:09:30-04:00

March 8: WACC Speaker Series with Suzanne DiMaggio and Gary Sick from The Iran Project

Experts Suzanne DiMaggio, Director and Fellow at New America and Dr. Gary Sick, Senior Research Scholar at Columbia University's Middle East Institute will provide in-depth analysis and insight on what the Iran Nuclear Deal means to international diplomacy and global stability, and the consequences if the U.S. pulls out of the deal.n.

March 8: WACC Speaker Series with Suzanne DiMaggio and Gary Sick from The Iran Project2024-07-31T01:09:39-04:00
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