Featured Events

March 29, 2023: WACC Business Breakfast Series with Dr. Jay Bryson, Managing Director and Chief Economist at Wells Fargo

Jay Bryson will provide the global economic outlook for 2023 including forecasts of GDP growth in the U.S., Europe, and Asia, unemployment and labor market, inflation, and interest rates in the world's major economies.

March 29, 2023: WACC Business Breakfast Series with Dr. Jay Bryson, Managing Director and Chief Economist at Wells Fargo2024-07-31T01:00:01-04:00

March 28, 2023: WACC Ambassadors Circle Program with Ambassador Axel Dittmann, the Deputy Chief of Mission (Deputy Ambassador) of Germany to the United States

With more than 20 years of experience as a diplomat, Ambassador Axel Dittmann is a leading expert on Germany and transatlantic affairs, and the evolving role of Germany in a multi-polar world. Join us as he shares his insight on the challenges Germany faces in this new normal and the way forward for Europe in this new global order.

March 28, 2023: WACC Ambassadors Circle Program with Ambassador Axel Dittmann, the Deputy Chief of Mission (Deputy Ambassador) of Germany to the United States2024-07-31T01:00:02-04:00

March 21, 2023: WACC CEO Series with Fred Whitfield, President and Vice Chairman of the NBA Charlotte Hornets

Join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte on Tuesday, March 21, 2023 for a presentation with Fred Whitfield, President and Vice Chairman of the NBA Charlotte Hornets as he offers insight into the Hornets’ impact both regionally and globally. Whitfield will also share his perspective on major  challenges facing the professional basketball and sports industry, and the direction of the Hornets' charitable giving and philanthropic efforts in our region.

March 21, 2023: WACC CEO Series with Fred Whitfield, President and Vice Chairman of the NBA Charlotte Hornets2024-07-31T01:00:06-04:00

March 14, 2023: YPWACC “Drink About It” Series – Immigration

On March 14th, join YPWACC for the third session of a new program series, Drink About It, at Hopfly Brewing Company in South End. This session on "Immigration," will be a moderated conversation between our panel of experts.

March 14, 2023: YPWACC “Drink About It” Series – Immigration2024-07-31T01:00:08-04:00

February 9, 2023: WACC Ambassadors Circle Program with H.E. Santiago Cabanas, the Ambassador of Spain to the United States

As a longtime career diplomat in Spain's foreign service, Ambassador Cabanas will offer her perspective on Spain's role in the world and regional alliances, including NATO. In addition, he will address Spain's response to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, European politics, and ongoing geopolitical ripples in Europe. 

February 9, 2023: WACC Ambassadors Circle Program with H.E. Santiago Cabanas, the Ambassador of Spain to the United States2024-07-31T01:00:12-04:00

January 24, 2022: BY INVITATION ONLY: WACC Ambassadors Circle Series with H.E. Marek Magierowski, the Ambassador of Poland to the United States

H.E. Marek Magierowski, the Ambassador of Poland to the United States, will talk about Poland's response to the war between Russia and Ukraine, its support for Ukraine, and the ongoing regional security and geopolitical challenges the European Union faces vis-a-vis Russia and China. In addition, he'll share his thoughts on the diplomatic relationship between Poland and the United States and discuss economic cooperation and business ties enhancement between Poland and Charlotte and North Carolina.

January 24, 2022: BY INVITATION ONLY: WACC Ambassadors Circle Series with H.E. Marek Magierowski, the Ambassador of Poland to the United States2024-07-31T01:00:21-04:00

January 17, 2023: Tom Standage, Deputy Editor-In-Chief of The Economist & Editor of “The World Ahead 2023”

Join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte on Tuesday, January 17 for a presentation by Tom Standage, the Editor of "The World Ahead 2023" (The Economist) as he offers informed predictions, comprehensive analysis from foreign policy and current event experts, summary of the global economic outlook, and critical insight into issues that will be major touch points in the new year.

January 17, 2023: Tom Standage, Deputy Editor-In-Chief of The Economist & Editor of “The World Ahead 2023”2024-07-31T01:00:25-04:00

November 9, 2022: WorldQuest & Academic WorldQuest 2022

Recognized as the largest international education program of its kind in North Carolina, Academic WorldQuest and WorldQuest will bring together approximately 600 students and community members this year. Teams from all around the greater Charlotte area will participate in this international knowledge competition and answer questions related to current events, history, geography and other topics of global significance.

November 9, 2022: WorldQuest & Academic WorldQuest 20222024-07-31T01:00:27-04:00

November 2, 2022: WACC CEO Series with William “Bill” H. Rogers Jr., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Truist Financial Corporation

Please join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte as we host William "Bill" H. Rogers Jr., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Truist on Wednesday, November 2 as part of WACC's CEO Series. 

November 2, 2022: WACC CEO Series with William “Bill” H. Rogers Jr., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Truist Financial Corporation2024-07-31T01:00:31-04:00

October 25, 2022: WACC Global Economic Speaker Series with Yaya Fanusie, Digital Currency Expert and Adjunct Senior Fellow, Center for a New American Security (CNAS)

Yaya Fanusie, Adjunct Senior Fellow in the Energy, Economics and Security Program at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), Adjunct Fellow at the Center on Economic and Financial Power at the Foundation For Defense of Democracies (FDD), and Chief Strategist at Cryptocurrency AML Strategies, LLC who will share his expert insight into China's digital currency platform and what it means for the future of financial institutions, national security, and the global economy.

October 25, 2022: WACC Global Economic Speaker Series with Yaya Fanusie, Digital Currency Expert and Adjunct Senior Fellow, Center for a New American Security (CNAS)2024-07-31T01:00:33-04:00
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