November 30, 2023: WACC Ambassadors Circle Series with Marie Yovanovitch, U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine (2016-2019)
Step into the captivating world of international diplomacy and geopolitics as the World Affairs Council of Charlotte proudly presents an extraordinary event on Wednesday, November 30, 2023. We are honored to host none other than Marie Yovanovitch, the esteemed former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine (2016-2019) and author of the compelling memoir, "Lessons From The Edge." Join us as she takes the stage to share her personal experiences and professional journey, providing an exclusive glimpse into the inner workings of diplomatic missions during her tenure in Ukraine. Gain a deeper understanding of the geopolitical challenges that continue to shape the region, and witness first-hand the extraordinary diplomatic acumen that characterizes Ambassador Yovanovitch's approach to international relations.