
About Charlotte Klopp

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So far Charlotte Klopp has created 343 blog entries.

Jan 25: WACC Speaker Series with Hon. Andrew Leslie, Parliamentary Secretary to the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs (Deputy Secretary of State)

The Honourable Andrew Leslie, a long-time public servant in the Canadian government and a top ranking diplomat, will share his insight on the current state of the partnership between our two countries. His professional background in the military, private sector, academia, Parliament, and diplomatic corps will also provide context and expertise on current state of affairs, as well as a global perspective. 

Jan 25: WACC Speaker Series with Hon. Andrew Leslie, Parliamentary Secretary to the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs (Deputy Secretary of State)2024-07-31T01:10:10-04:00

Jan. 24: TMS Global Spotlight – Media and Foreign Policy

Join The Magellan Society (Young Professionals of the World Affairs Council of Charlotte) in partnership with UNC Charlotte's Office of International Programs as we host Dr. Dean Kruckerberg and Dr. Katarina Tsetsura for a lecture and discussion on "Media and Foreign Policy".

Jan. 24: TMS Global Spotlight – Media and Foreign Policy2024-07-31T01:10:13-04:00

Jan. 24: WACC Private Dinner with Andrew Leslie, Parliamentary Secretary to the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs (Deputy Secretary of State)

Join The Honorable Andrew Leslie, Parliamentary Secretary to the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday, Jan. 24th for a small-group conversation over a gourmet dinner.

Jan. 24: WACC Private Dinner with Andrew Leslie, Parliamentary Secretary to the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs (Deputy Secretary of State)2024-08-06T09:39:52-04:00

SOLD OUT Jan. 31: WACC Business Breakfast Series with Dr. Jay Bryson, Managing Director and Global Economist at Wells Fargo.

Join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte and Jay Bryson, Managing Director and Global Economist at Wells Fargo on January 31st for an expert presentation on the 2018 global economy. As Wells Fargo's global economist, Dr. Bryson provides detailed analysis on financial markets and developments in major economies of the world. His presentation will not only address the impact of U.S. financial markets around the world, but trending economic strategies worldwide.

SOLD OUT Jan. 31: WACC Business Breakfast Series with Dr. Jay Bryson, Managing Director and Global Economist at Wells Fargo.2024-07-31T01:10:19-04:00

September 5: WACC Speaker Series with Ryan Crocker, U.S. Career Ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Kuwait, and Lebanon (1993-2012)

Join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte on September 5th as we host esteemed U.S. diplomat, Ambassador Ryan Crocker. Crocker has served 6-terms as a U.S. Ambassador during some of the most tumultuous times in U.S. history with the Middle East. President Obama called him out of retirement in 2011 to serve as Ambassador to Afghanistan, and President George W. Bush awarded him with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

September 5: WACC Speaker Series with Ryan Crocker, U.S. Career Ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Kuwait, and Lebanon (1993-2012)2024-07-31T01:10:22-04:00

September 4: WACC Private Dinner with U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker (1993-2012)

Join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte on Tuesday, September 5th in the elegant King Room at Providence Day School for a small-group conversation over a gourmet dinner with top U.S. diplomat, Ambassador Ryan Crocker. 

September 4: WACC Private Dinner with U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker (1993-2012)2024-07-31T01:10:24-04:00

Dec. 13: TMS Global Social – Christkindlmarket 2017

Join TMS for a year-end holiday gathering at Charlotte's second annual Christkindlmarket in Romare Bearden Park! Network and mingle with other internationally-minded young professionals while we stroll around the market enjoying traditional glühwein, streudel, bratwurst and more!

Dec. 13: TMS Global Social – Christkindlmarket 20172024-07-31T01:10:27-04:00

Dec. 7: WACC Speaker Series with Dr. Todd Moss, Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development

Join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte on December 7th as we host Dr. Todd Moss. Moss is an expert in international development, leading the Center for Global Development's research focused on US-Africa relations, energy policy, and private investment. He has also served with the Bureau of African Affairs at the U.S. Department of State, the World Bank, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), and the Overseas Development Council.

Dec. 7: WACC Speaker Series with Dr. Todd Moss, Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development2024-07-31T01:10:30-04:00

Dec. 6: WACC Private Dinner with Dr. Todd Moss

Join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte on Wednesday, December 6th for a small-group conversation over a gourmet dinner with Dr. Todd Moss. Moss is currently working on electrification in Africa, cash transfers in new oil economies, and ideas for upgrading US development finance tools. He has led the Center for Global Development's work on Nigerian debt, reconstruction in Zimbabwe, the future of the World Bank's soft loan International Development Association, and the African Development Bank. Join us for this discussion on evolving U.S. policy toward global economic development and poverty.

Dec. 6: WACC Private Dinner with Dr. Todd Moss2024-08-06T09:39:51-04:00

Nov. 30: An Evening with James Astill, Washington Correspondent and Lexington Columnist, The Economist

Join the World Affairs Council of Charlotte on November 30th for a small-group conversation over a gourmet dinner with James Astill, Washington Correspondent and Lexington Columnist for The Economist. Don't miss this opportunity to ask your questions and discuss ongoing geopolitical trends and emerging markets.

Nov. 30: An Evening with James Astill, Washington Correspondent and Lexington Columnist, The Economist2024-08-06T09:39:52-04:00
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