Join us for an inspiring WACC Distinguished Speaker Series. Headshot of white older male with dark suite and yellow and blue patterned tie.

Ambassador (ret.) Herman “Hank” Cohen, one of the most experienced U.S.-Africa diplomats alive, will speak to WACC members and guests through WACC’s Distinguished Speaker Series (virtually) on Wednesday, November 6.

With a 38-year career in the Foreign Service, primarily stationed in African countries like Senegal and the Republic of the Congo, he also served as Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs under George H.W. Bush. Amb. Cohen has been instrumental in shaping U.S. policy in Africa, facilitating important ceasefires in Angola, Ethiopia, and Mozambique, and forming relationships with iconic African leaders such as Joseph Mobutu, Robert Mugabe, and Muammar Gaddafi.

As a veteran of the Foreign Service and senior advisor to presidents, Ambassador Cohen will cover a range of topics, which will include a reflection on his career and provide an analysis of current geopolitical trends, including Russia’s rising influence in Africa, opportunities for economic development in Africa, and more.

Download: November 6, 2024 –> WACC Distinguished Speaker Series Program (Virtual) — Click Here

Program Information:

Wednesday, November 6, 2024
2:00 – 3:00 ET
Via Zoom
Link will be provided upon confirmation of registration
$FREE (WACC Member Rate)
$15 (Non-Member Rate)





Ambassador Herman J. Cohen is a 38-year veteran of the Foreign Service and a former advisor to presidents. During his career in the Foreign Service, Ambassador Cohen served in five African countries and twice in France. He was the ambassador to Senegal, with dual accreditation to the Gambia, from 1977 to 1980. He also served as special assistant to President Ronald Reagan (1987-1989), principal deputy assistant secretary for intelligence and research, and principal deputy assistant secretary for personnel, as well as assistant secretary of state for African affairs under President George H.W. Bush (1989-1993). Ambassador Cohen is the author of a number of books, including a recent memoir entitled Africa, You Have a Friend in Washington: An American Diplomat’s Adventures South of the Sahara (2023).